This last week I was on vacation visiting my family in California. It was an enjoyable and fun trip. My blood sugars did not favor so well.
I ate some food I shouldn't have and exercise was nonexistent. I don't like to have to guess about carbohydrate grams, but I did quite a bit. As I reflect, the best thing for me would have been to go ultra low carb for the week. I wasn't working out, so my fuel didn't need to be as high.
I should have made time to get in some type of exercise. Mentally and physically it would have been very beneficial. I had opportunity to, but had a lazy week.
I am glad to be back at my home. Being at home is very comfortable for many reasons. Diabetes is better, food is more controlled and the garage with the weights in it.
The next few days I am going to disconnect from my insulin pump and see how that goes. I have done it twice recently an my control was fantastic. The pump makes it very easy just to punch numbers in and eat as wanted and be slack on any set schedule or routine. I understand this is what regular people get to do, but it seems like the pump has made it easier for me to not control my sugars as well. I can just punch in a blood sugar level and carb grams and I am good. Easy? Yes. Beneficial? Second guessing the pump!
I will train in the afternoon, looking forward to it. We are out to create PRs in some variation of the bench press.