Going into an all day event like this as a T1D can be a bit nerve racking. For me, I feel like I have to test all day long and be paranoid about highs and lows. I knew I would spend most of the day being active.
I used a temporary basal rate most of the morning and a normal rate for the afternoon. The reason I did this is due to the fact that the snatch was worked on in the morning portion and I would be just working form with light weights. This movement is my biggest weakness. I lack the mobility and technique. The afternoon was bit of a different story because the clean and jerk I can go a little heavy in.
During the clean and jerk portion, I wanted to find a new personal record. This required a lot of effort and I tried to get psyched up a bit. My blood sugars bumped up to 247. I bolused with a normal dose and the evening went fine despite pigging out on a cheeseburger and fries for dinner. I wanted the calories.
Normally, after a day like this I would be high all evening and then crash sometime. This would get me a ticket to ride the diabetes roller coaster until the next day. I am glad that I was not issued a ticket!