Tuesday, April 29, 2014

NorCal Strongman Championships

This past weekend was my fundraising event that I named "Deadlifts for Diabetes" run through the JDRF. I used the NorCal Strongman Championships to pull my deadlift. I ended up receiving a bit over $1,200 in donations. I am pleased with the amount raised, but I think I can do more in the future. I am very thankful for those that donated. I can't express how much I appreciate your generosity. 

The competition was 4 events. The events were a max axle clean and press, farmers walk/zercher carry medley, max 18" deadlift and a 60 second stone series. Some of these movements I haven't had much practice in. I figured why not just go for it.

Here are my results thanks to Kalle Beck for the programming and coaching! He has been giving me feedback and cues the last few weeks leading up to the comp. 

Axle clean and press- 273#
Farmers 225#/zercher carry 375#- 24 seconds
18" deadlift- 675#
Stone series 220-350#- 4 for 5

Overall, I am very pleased with how I did. I took 2nd place out of 12 others in my weight class. Everyone was very nice and helpful. I would like to especially thank my family and friends that made the trip to watch me. This was more than just sport for me, this was a start of my fundraising and involvement for type 1 diabetes awareness.

The morning of the competition was very difficult on the diabetes front. My infusion set was not delivering insulin. Two hours before the comp I went up to 480. It was the first time that I thought that I was going to have to go to the hospital. Luckily, everything went to normal before the competition began. I probably tested my blood sugar 30 times. I changed infusion sets, used a syringe and tried to stay hydrated. I actually flushed out 8 pounds if fluid in the morning. It was safe to say that I felt horrible. Once I was steadied, my levels were between 136-225 with a few peaks close to 300. I knew I had to fight through the day no matter what. The last thing I wanted was for my disease to stop me from participating in my own event to raise funds. 

As I was deadlifting, I thought of how this type 1 thing can't hold me back. My goal was to prove that being type 1 shouldn't hold people back from accomplishments. If anything this disease makes me more focused, responsible and aware.  

My biggest worry on Saturday was that diabetes was going to literally kill me. Through the support of my friends and family WE BROKE DIABETES! 

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Fundraising and Competition

I have created an event through the JDRF called Deadlifts for Diabetes. I am competing in the Northern California Strongman Champioships. One of the events is a dead lift. For me, whenever I deadlift my blood sugars are great for hours.

So far, I have raised a bit over $1,000 thanks to some very generous people. I couldn't be more appreciative and thankful. My goal is $3,000. I am hoping there is an extra push before the competition on Saturday the 26th. 

I am really looking forward to competing in my first strongman competition. It's safe to say that I am a bit nervous as well. The big question for me, is how will my blood sugars go the day of. The five events will all be short in duration with a high level of intensity. 

The two powerlifting meets I have done my experiences were very different. The first meet, I was nervous and my numbers were high the whole day with a major low a few hours after the competition. The second meet, I was not as nervous and my numbers were great all day. 

With this last week before the competition, the diet and blood sugar control are very important. This is not a time to be slacking with record keeping or food intake. I have been transitioning into a low carb diet the last few weeks and my highest blood sugar has been 134 the last few days.The tighter control means the better I feel. 

Since strongman is new water for me, we will see how things turn out. I am looking forward to a day of competition and getting out of my comfort zone. Most importantly, I am raising money the JDRF.

Type in Jeffrey Huet to find my event and donate.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Deadlifts for Diabetes

After 23 years of being a type 1 diabetic, I have decided it is time for me to become more involved. I have been talking for years about it. It's time I put my ideas into action.

I have created an event through the JDRF. I will be participating in the Northern California Strongman Champonships on April 26th at Boss Barbell in Mountain View California. The competition will have an axle clean and press for max weight, farmers walk/zercher carry medley, 18" deadlift for max weight, truck pull and a stone series.

I chose "Deadlifts for Diabetes" because whenever I deadlift I don't require much insulin for the rest of the evening and it's as close to diabetes free I can feel. My goal is to raise as much money for the JDRF as possible. 

The JDRF is the largest nongovernmental funder of T1D research and the only global organization with a strategic plan to fight T1D.

You can make a difference by visiting these sites:
