The first event was a yoke walk at 700 pounds for 80 feet. I made it 70 of the 80 feet. We were allowed one drop. This is the heaviest and furtherest I have done on a yoke. Blood sugars were great going into this event. I was sitting at 116. Afterwards I shot up to 168. Adrenaline can be a major hurdle with control. I bolused and gave myself a bit more than what my pump called for.
The next event was a log clean and press at 220 pounds for reps in 60 seconds. I finished with 5 reps. I can clean the log fairly easy, but my pressing is not very good. My triceps need more strength. On my last rep I put the log on my toes. This resulted in a laceration on my big toe along with two breaks. I have to meet with an orthopedic surgeon this upcoming week to see if I require surgery. I expected a microwaved hotdog for a toe, but was pleasantly surprised with two breaks. This caused my blood sugars to shoot to 243.
Next up was an axle deadlift for reps in 60 seconds with 500 pounds. I completed 4 reps. My grip strength failed me here. The blood sugars were dropping now. I manually bolused here a bit because I wanted to get to a normal range for the rest of the competition and worry about going low later. Probably not the best approach. Luckily, I stayed in an optimal range the rest of the day.
The circus dumbbell at 115 pounds was the fourth event. This event is what I was most nervous about. The last few years I have dealt with shoulder issues. Pretty much what it comes down is a lack of strength and mobility. I completed only three reps. My fellow competitors killed this one. My blood sugar was 120 afterwards.
The final event was a stone over a bar at 236 pounds with no tacky allowed. My goal here was to get at least one rep. By this time in the day I was exhausted and getting really tight. I finished with two reps. Blood sugars were 143 afterwards.
Overall it was a fun day. It was a first competition for a number of people. I was one of three in the "Elite Men's" category. There weren't any weight classes. I finished in second. It still always amazes me the commraderie amongst competition in strongman. Strongman is a great sport.
My lessons learned:
Improve overall conditioning
Eat throughout competition
Don't drop heavy things on your toes
Increase tricep and upper body strength