Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Bolusing and Barbells

I went to the doctor last week for results of bloodwork and a general appointment. My bloodwork was great with an A1C of 6.4. The practioner I see changed offices, so I was required to answer some new questions about diet and exercise. I had a difficult time answering some of them. 

The first question was to explain my diet. I did my best to explain how I carb cycle. On lifting days my carbs are a lot higher and non lifting days I keep the carbs to a minimum. My doc didn't get it. I have tried everything under the sun and have had good results with blood sugars from a bunch of different options. I am very thankful for my doc because she doesn't push a high carb ADA recommended diet.

With the carb cycling I am consuming carbs before and while I train. This has helped in a number of ways. I feel stronger, volume has increased and my overall mood has improved. My blood sugars post training have been improved as well. 

One of the other new questions was inquiring about my cardiovascular activity. I explained what I do for strongman. I was asked why I would want to do what I do. My response was that it's fun and rewarding. Lifting is what I enjoy doing. It's a grind and makes me feel like I can run through walls. 

Lifting and competing are very rewarding for me for a number of reasons. I have always enjoyed challenging myself physically. I think being type 1 gives a bit of extra motivation. Type 1 can be very consuming. When I train, I feel like a healthy disease free person. I have never really thought of my disease as a disability like others do. It's a part of who I am. 

This weekend I will be participating in a small local strongman competition. I am excited to compete. I haven't competed since August. There are only a few other competitors. It would have been great if more people would give it a try. Hopefully this comp can bring more interest for the sport of strongman in the Southern Oregon region. I have never found a more close knit community in any other sport. Not too many times in other sports will your competition help you out with advice and pointers. 


Whatever it is that you want to do, do it. Don't go half way, don't doubt yourself. Everyone has hurdles to overcome. Heart and character is what counts. 

Part animal part machine! 

Break Diabetes!

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