Sunday, June 12, 2016

The Sickness

What does it mean to be sick? Being sick is an ongoing challenge that we face everyday. Some days are great, while some days can be truly tough and frustrating. I am thankful for all I have learned through my 25 years of diabetes.


The amount of responsibility that I have learned doesn't have a price tag. The level of responsibility has forced me into a level of health I couldn't imagine. 

At 37 years old, I don't feel that I have lost too much athleticism because I have know with my disease that if I stay active, things are so much easier. Diabetes has motivated me to stay active and strong. 

I couldn't be more thankful for the knowledge I have gained about exercise, health, and determination. The lessons have been ongoing and will continue. The more I know, the more I realize I have so much more to learn. Complacency equals stagnation. Growth is vital. Learn from history. If I don't like my results, it's time to change the process. Simple. 

We must learn, educate and share our experiences. If we aren't our own advocates, who will be? Take some risks. 

Confidence is key. I should take my own advice with this in more day to day situations. For me, confidence is built by success and the need for more. I am my own worst enemy.  When we fail, what can we learn from the experiences. Pick yourself up and move on. Process equals results. 

As diabetics, feeling sorry for ourselves doesn't work. Move on and get over it. Be the one you want to be. Growing up, my father preached to my brothers and I to follow out passion. There was never a doubt. He wanted and continues to want us to be the best versions of ourselves we can be. Without this influence, I am not sure how things would have turned out for me. I hope to pass these same ideas and beliefs to my children. 

Follow your desires with drive and determination. State of mind. 

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Bolus and Barbells

The first Bolus and Barbells event is 9 days out (June 11th, starting at 9 am). For those of you that aren't aware of this event, it is the first event that includes lifting and type 1 diabetes. I was asked by the creator (Rodney Miller) to be a speaker and instructor at the event. Rodney has done a great job the last few years to bring attention to type 1 diabetes through the sport of strongman. He is the only other type 1 that I am aware of in the USA that competes in strongman. The other speakers are Hillary Shultz Emmons, Kelley Champ Crumpler Rodney Miller, and Chris Ruden. We will be discussing our individual journey with type 1 diabetes. The event will take place at Prism CrossFit in Leander, Texas. 
Here is the link to the event:

I am excited for many reasons. The number one reason is to connect with other type 1s. I have met only 4 in my type 1 life. Being able to expose new people to strongman and strength training is also very exciting. Strongman and powerlifting are on the fringe, but they are both two sports that people can easily participate and compete in whether they are diabetic or not.

Ultimately, my goal as a part of this is to help motivate people to try something new and believe in themselves. As type 1s, we are not fragile and will not break any easier as someone that is "healthy". I throw around the term "state of mind" quite a bit, but it holds truth. Bolus and Barbells is an opportunity to be around like minded individuals that understand the hurdles of type 1. I can't be more excited. Now I just need to figure out what I am going to talk about for my 20 minute slot.