One of the major switches is due to what the most responsible thing is for my life. Can type 1s be active in running, biking and CrossFit? Yes, but at what expense? These athletes that are type 1 don't always have very good control. I am at a stage in my life where I am not willing to put selfish wants of trying to be an athlete in front of my health anymore. Some people may think I am taking an easy route or I am not tough enough. That's fine. My whole reason to workout is to help my overall health and lifting with a tiny touch of conditioning is the way for me.
I have gone back and forth with this for quite a while. In fact, I have probably changed my mind a thousand times if not more. To quote my more than supportive wife,"You need to just make up your mind. This is ridiculous!" I can only imagine what my workout partners think of my wishy washiness. Sorry guys!
The hardest part is knowing that I am more than physically capable of doing what many people are able to do. The problem is the recovery. Chasing the high blood sugars and then bringing up the lows makes for an awful feeling. When I am strict with lifting heavy, this doesn't normally happen.
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