Sunday, August 25, 2013

Back to Work/Type 1 Design

So this summer has been an interesting one on the diabetes front. I have tried different ways of eating, exercising and my weight fluctuated quite a bit. Starting a new school year will help with my consistency with a lot of aspects in the everyday life. One thing that gets added to the mix is stress.

Stress seems to really throw the blood sugar levels on a roller coaster. No stress and things are pretty good. A bit of stress and things are upside down. I wonder if I eat more when the stress is present. It is just time to tight things up again.

Nutrition wise, I am going to try to stay with a low carb way if eating. My best control is when I do this. Unless I am going to do some very strenuous activity, I am going to keep the carbs in the 30 to 70 gram range. For those more strenuous days, I will probably be around 100-150 grams. It seems the more I read about the diabeetus, the more conflicted I become. 

On a different topic there is a company that makes shirts for type 1 research that donate proceeds to the JDRF. The company is called Type 1 Design. The shirts are quality shirts with some creative designs. I received the two I ordered yesterday. Prices are good and the money goes to a cause I care about.

Here's my shameless plug: I can be followed on Instagram through breakingdiabetes. I post my workouts along with blood sugars and post workout meals. 

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