Tomorrow is the meet. I feel good, blood sugars have been controlled, and the goals are sighted.
This past week, I have really put a lot of thought into a service dog to help with my own diabetes. In so many ways it would be a wonderful addition. Once school is out, I am going to put aside more time to get involved more in the local diabetic community. I even ordered a few shirts from the ADA. If wearing a t-shirt can bring awareness, why not?
My meet tomorrow is something I am doing that seperates me from being diabetic. To keep my health in a good situation, I will have to be a powerlifting diabetic rather just a powerlifter. That may not make sense to people without diabetes. It's all about embracing it and using diabetes as my motivator.
Tomorrow I will break diabetes.
I'm glad to see you being so proactive and getting involved! I'm proud of you bud! I'd love to play some sort of role in helping you so just let me know when it's my turn to help out!