Things are always interesting when the students I teach learn that I am diabetic. It is normally one of the first things I let them know in the first few moments of class. The next thing that happens is that a bunch of hands go flying up wanting to tell me that their grandfather or grandmother is diabetic. Normally these people my students know are type 2 diabetics. Sometimes I wish there were more of name difference between type 1 and type 2. I often refer to myself as having the real diabetes.
Recently, I have made the decision that I shouldn't be so negative or have negative thoughts for type 2 diabetics. Am I a bit jealous that they can control things with diet and exercise? Of course I am. I probably wouldn't have diabetes if mine was determined by lifestyle.
Kids need the proper education when it comes to what an active lifestyle is. As a public educator, it is astounding what the kids don't do with their free time. I know that many of my students I had this year will be on the couch watching TV or playing video games all summer. The youth need to be moving around and be active.
The last thing I want for someone is for them to be diagnosed as a diabetic no matter which type. People must be informed about health and well being. Not only will this improve physical health, but it will improve mental health as well.
We must fight against diseases that are very avoidable!
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