Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Deads and Press

It seems that deadlifting seems to be the best thing for my blood sugars. My insulin usage after deadlifting is just my basal rate and small bolus levels to cover food.

Deadlift 3x5+ last set was 445# for 6 reps
Press 3x5+ last set was 175# for 5 reps

Squat 2x8@225#
Press 2x15@95#&115#

Dips 3x10 body-weight
Hammer Curls 3x10@40#

*5 strict pull-ups after all press sets

I put in more mats in the garage and moved things around quite a bit. I can't be luckier to have my very supportive and loving wife. She has been very encouraging with me pursuing my interest in powerlifting.

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