My training has been very fun lately. Having training partners that keep me focused and accountable has helped me push myself.
We are following the 5/3/1 program mixed with general physical preparedness work. The goal is to get strong and to make progress. We don't do any steady state cardio because that will take away from the goal of gaining strength. With a powerlifting meet coming up in early June, the amount of conditioning will dwindle as the meet gets closer.
This is what we did on Wednesday evening:
We broke it into four sections:
1.5/3/1 deadlifts
5/3/1 strict press
2.speed deadlifts 8x1 with a band and very light weight
3.strict press 3x10 light weight
banded good mornings
body weight dips 3x10
4. weighted driveway runs(the driveway is about 90 or so yards) x 5
It was a fun workout and challenging. The deadlift is becoming my favorite movement! More importantly my blood sugars were very consistent after this workout.
The main decision I have to make now is to try to cut weight or stay in the 220 pound class. I would have to cut about 11 pounds to make the 198 pound class. I am thinking of just staying in the 220 pound class and not worry about cutting weight. The last thing I want to do is compromise my strength gains or the blood sugars. We will see what happens.
It's amazing to me how fast the results come and how accomplished i feel when the programming is specific for my personal goals vs. just constantly training at random. I feel like i can work half as much and get twice as far.