Sunday, April 28, 2013

Consistently Inconsistent

After messing with my diet and training routine, I have figured that less is more. I have not been very good with diet, which in turn has turned the blood sugars to be very up and down. To sum it up, it's made me tired and sluggish. After 22 years, this diabetes thing still won't go away as much as I would like for it. I often think how things could have been different without the disease.

With my training, I have been doing too much. I need to keep the volume low. I just will do the main lift for the day and follow that by two accessory movements. The areas I have left by the side lately have been mobility and flexibility. Those have always been weaknesses of mine.

I have made the choice to get down to the 198 pound class for June 8th. Depending on the day, this means I will have to cut anywhere from 12-17 pounds of weight. I am going to try and limit carbs and  use fats and proteins as my energy source. This will also help regulate the blood sugars as well. I did this back in December and early January and my levels didn't get above the 140 range. It took a few days to adjust, but I felt great.

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