Thursday, May 30, 2013

Control: Thank You Conditioning

Since adding in a bit of conditioning and a tighter diet, my blood sugars have been great. My numbers have been hanging around 70-140. It is amazing how much better I feel when my numbers are consistent.

5/29/13 Training:
Split Jerk work working on quick feet and hips
5/3/1 Bench with 295 pounds with a 2 second pause on the bottom

3 Rounds
10 body weight dips
10 body weight pull ups
10 40 pound dumb bell shoulder press
200 yard run

This wasn't for time or anything measurable. I have just been focusing on properly moving and not getting totally gassed. The rest of the evening I didn't really need to bolus for my food at all. I ate a clean chicken salad and a turkey burger afterwards with a coconut ice cream bar.

Reflecting about the last few months of training, I probably should have kept up with the conditioning. I have spent more time lifting and neglecting the conditioning.  My lesson has been learned. I am curious how this will affect me at my power-lifting meet next weekend.

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